VORT Test Adelaide

Eastern & North Eastern Suburbs Of Adelaide

Providing VORT Tests in Adelaide

Teenagers, Adults & International Licence Conversions

The VORT test (Vehicle On Road Test) comprises of two main parts. Part one consists of five basic manoeuvres and part two is an assessment of their overall on road driving ability. However 100% road rule compliance is required and any breach of the law is an automatic fail. The most common breaches are speeding in a school or roadwork zones and failing to completely stop at a stop sign.

The five basic manoeuvres are;

  1. Reverse or parallel parking
  2. Three point turn
  3. Angle Park
  4. U-turn
  5. Hillstart

Who better to hear from than our clients. You can read our reviews on Google & on Facebook.

How does the VORT Test work?

The learner driver receives 2% for each manoeuvre so therefore they make up 10% of their total score.

There is an exact procedure required for each manoeuvre and any deviation from this will result in a zero score for the respective manoeuvre. We supply every client with our own check list on how to perform each manoeuvre so they can practice each one correctly and be confident of passing them in their test.

The on road driving makes up 90% of the total score. During each lesson we take each client through series of different challenges which are similar to what they can expect in the test. We provide detailed explanations on how to approach traffic lights and roundabouts correctly plus all other aspects of general driving. We also explain how they will be assessed and exactly what the examiner is looking for and how they will be graded. So the learner is aware of the mandatary visual checks required plus the correct sequences necessary to manage different traffic conditions (eg lane changes etc) to ensure they have an extremely high chance of passing.

The scores from both parts are combined and the learner driver must obtain an overall score of 90% or above to pass

In the hour warm up lesson prior to the VORT test we revise all the manoeuvres and look at the more challenging aspects of on road driving. It also provides a chance to become aware of current conditions and road works in the area therefore taking out the surprise element in a test. We always book tests at times to give each learner the best chance of passing so never during peak hour traffic for example.

See our driving lesson services in Adelaide here!

5 Tips for Learner Drivers To Help Complete The VORT Test

tips for learner drivers
  1. Drive in the area you will be tested whenever possible.
  2. Practice the manoeuvres when out driving don’t simply drive from A to B.
  3. Keep our check list somewhere you can see it on a regular basis like on your bedroom wall or fridge
  4. Practice the online learners test to make sure you can remember all the road rules. For some it may have been two years or more since they passed their learners test and it is easy to forget things like at what distance can you enter a cycle lane prior to turning left.
  5. If you need help just ask, practice makes perfect.

Driver Review – 100% on VORT Test

2020 is still full of surprises, congratulations Lea Beclu on getting 100% on your VORT Test. This is a rare feat that is hard to achieve. You were a great student & you clearly practiced in your spare time. Well done, drive safe & thank you for your kind words on your Google review.

Lea Beclu’s Review

Thanks to Chris I pasted my VORT test with 100% today?! Chris is a fantastic teacher and I’d highly recommend him, he will make sure you are test ready before booking you in and I feel very ready to be left alone on the roads. Thanks Chris!

To learn more about our Adelaide Driving Lessons, read what our existing clients have said about us on Google & Facebook

Learn to Drive with The Right Gear Driving School

Call Chris to schedule your first driving lesson or test today!

  • 0466 237 863